Make your payment after receiving confirmation e-mail, which will be sent to you after on-line registration of the entry form but no later than 24 hours after submitting the entry. Unpaid entries can be automatically cancelled after 10 days without prior notice.

If you are entering more than one show day and you receive 2 confirmation e-mails with 2 variable symbols, it is enough to sum up the entry fees from the two e-mails and send the entry fees in one payment transfer with only one variable symbol.

poplatky 2025

Make your payment after receiving confirmation e-mail, which will be sent to you after on-line registration of the entry form but no later than 24 hours after submitting the entry. Unpaid entries can be automatically cancelled after 10 days without prior notice.

If you are entering more than one show day and you receive 2 confirmation e-mails with 2 variable symbols, it is enough to sum up the entry fees from the two e-mails and send the entry fees in one payment transfer with only one variable symbol.