Make your payment after receiving confirmation e-mail, which will be sent to you after on-line registration of the entry form but no later than 24 hours after submitting the entry. Unpaid entries can be automatically cancelled after 10 days without prior notice.
If you are entering more than one show day and you receive 2 confirmation e-mails with 2 variable symbols, it is enough to sum up the entry fees from the two e-mails and send the entry fees in one payment transfer with only one variable symbol.
VÚB Nitra (address of bank: Štefánikova 44, SK – 949 31 Nitra)
IBAN CODE: SK50 0200 0000 0000 4353 2162
Post and bank charges are to be paid by the exhibitor.
Lower entry fees for the second and other dogs can only be accepted if the name of the owner is absolutely the same as on the 1st entry form.
Dogs entered into minor puppy, puppy, veteran and honorary classes cannot be considered as first entered dog. Every exhibitor must mark his exact name and address on the payment confirmation for the organiser to be able to identify the payment.
The exhibitors whose entry fees will not reach the organizer´s account by the time of the show or will not be possible to identify, will be considered as unpaid. In that case the exhibitor must pay the entry fee at the day of the show with the possibility of its returning afterwards. The entry close date is also the closing date for relevant payments.
It is possible to cancel the entry form only until 07.05.2024. In case of a cancellation registration or refunding the fees for whatever the reason, the cancellation fee is 10 € and the bank/postal charges will be deducted.
Exhibitors with the Slovak national breeds have a 50% discount from the entry fees for the 1st and all other dogs (beyond final competitions).
Surcharge at the show in any case + 10 EUR/dog and day.